Home Workout to Gain Weight and Build Muscle

You are skinny?
And you want to gain weight fast but you did not have enough budget to join a gym.
Home Workout to Gain Weight
No problem, Today I will introduce your home workout to gain weight this weight gain workout plan at home contains best weight gain exercises at home.

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Home Workout To Gain Weight

This home workout to gain weight contains best exercises for weight gain at home. means only those exercise which does not need any equipment to perform.


Push-ups is a famous and one of the best weight gain exercise at home. There are 100 types of push-ups but you just need to do these 10 types of push ups.
  1. Normal push-ups
  2. Close grip push-ups
  3. Wide grip push-ups
  4. Diamond push-ups
  5. Archer push-ups
  6. Pike push-ups
  7. Hindu push-ups
  8. Incline push-ups
  9. Decline push-ups
  10. Spider man push-ups

1. Normal push-ups

Normal push up is the most common push up that everyone knows. This is one of the best exercise for weight gain at home.

How to perform push-ups 

  1. Start plank position.
  2. Hands under shoulders.
  3. Engage core, keep straight.
  4. Lower body, elbows bend.
  5. Chest near ground.
  6. Push back up, exhale.
  7. Repeat for reps.
  8. Modify: knees or elevated hands.
  9. Keep body straight, no sagging.
  10. Focus on form, avoid injury.

2. Close grip push-ups

When you are doing close grip push ups you to mainly target your triceps and chest. In this push up you need to get close your both hands to each other.

How to perform Close grip push-ups 

  1. Start in plank, hands close.
  2. Keep straight, engage core.
  3. Lower body, elbows close.
  4. Go down until arms form L.
  5. Push back up, exhale.
  6. Repeat reps.
  7. Modify if needed: knees or elevate hands.
  8. Stay straight, no sagging.
  9. Add weight or elevate feet for challenge.
  10. Form first, avoid injury.

3. Wide Grip Push-Ups

Wide grip push ups is important to include in your home workout to gain weight. Because this push up will help you to get a wider chest.

How to perform wider grip push-ups 

  1. Get in plank, hands wide.
  2. Keep straight, engage core.
  3. Lower, chest near ground.
  4. Push up, breathe out.
  5. Repeat reps.
  6. Modify: knees or elevate hands.
  7. Stay straight, no sagging.
  8. Add weight or elevate feet.
  9. Form first, prevent injury.

4. Diamond push-ups

Diamond push-ups is important to include in your weight gain workout at home. Because it mainly target your inner chest and triceps (it also helps in filling the gap between both chest).

How to perform Diamond push-ups 

  1. Get in push-up position.
  2. Make diamond shape with hands.
  3. Lower body, elbows close.
  4. Chest near hands.
  5. Push back up.
  6. Repeat for reps.
  7. Engage core, keep straight.
  8. Modify if needed.
  9. Targets triceps, chest.
  10. Focus on form.

5. Archer push-ups

Archer push up is the best weight gain exercise at home because this push up is not easy means everyone is not able to do it.

How to perform Archer push-ups 

  1. Start in push-up position.
  2. Move one hand to side.
  3. Lower body to that side.
  4. Keep other arm straight.
  5. Push back up to center.
  6. Repeat on other side.
  7. Engage core, body straight.
  8. Focus on control.
  9. Modify as needed.
  10. Targets chest, shoulders, arms.

6. Pike push-ups

Pike push up is also one of the most hardest push up and important to include in your home workout to gain weight. Because this push up is different from all the other push ups and it will help you to grow your back and Shoulders.

How to perform pike push-ups 

  1. Begin in downward dog pose.
  2. Lower head towards ground.
  3. Keep legs straight.
  4. Push back up.Repeat reps.
  5. Engage core, keep straight.
  6. Targets shoulders, arms.
  7. Modify if needed.
  8. Focus on form.
  9. Build shoulder strength.

7. Hindu push-ups

Hindu push up is one of the most traditional and best push up to gain weight fast and build muscle. Because this push up contracts all the muscle even leg also.

How to perform Hindu push-ups 

  1. Start in downward dog pose.
  2. Lower head towards ground.
  3. Arch back, hips down.
  4. Push up, arch back again.
  5. Return to downward dog.
  6. Repeat for reps.
  7. Flow smoothly.
  8. Engage core throughout.
  9. Targets chest, shoulders, back.
  10. Practice for flexibility and strength.

8. Incline push-ups

Incline push up is important to include in your weight gain diet plan at home. Because incline push up can help you to grow your upper chest and triceps. you need any bench or any stool to perform incline push ups.

How to perform Incline push-ups 

  1. Find elevated surface.
  2. Place hands on, feet down.
  3. Tighten core, keep straight.
  4. Lower body, chest near surface.
  5. Push up, exhale.Repeat reps.
  6. Hands under shoulders, body straight.
  7. Modify if needed.
  8. Focus on form.
  9. Targets chest, shoulders, arms.

9. Decline push-ups

Decline push up is also an important push up to include in your home workout to gain weight. Because decline push up will help you to grow your lower chest. In this exercise you need a bench or a stool to perform it.

How to perform Decline push-ups 

  1. Get elevated surface.
  2. Feet on, hands down.
  3. Core tight, body straight.
  4. Lower, chest near ground.
  5. Push back up, exhale.
  6. Repeat reps.
  7. Hands under shoulders, body straight.
  8. Modify as needed.
  9. Watch form.
  10. Targets upper chest, shoulders, triceps.

10. Spider man push-ups

Spider-Man push up is one of the most hardest push up to do because doing this push up contains 3 steps. if anyone is doing 25 normal push up then he can do just only 10 Spider-Man push ups cause it is very harder than other push up.

How to perform spider man push-ups

  1. Start in a plank position.
  2. Lower your body, bending elbows.
  3. As you lower, bring right knee to right elbow.
  4. Return to plank as you push up.
  5. Repeat on left side.
  6. Alternate sides for reps.
  7. Engage core, keep body straight.
  8. Modify: knees or elevated hands.
  9. Focus on form, avoid sagging.
  10. Spiderman push-ups target core and arms.


Squat is a best exercise for weight gain at home. Because squat is a compound movement and when you are doing squats its engage your full legs and Calf (squads hamstrings and culves) It it also helps in boosting and gaining strength so do at least 100 squart in your leg workout day.

How to perform squat

  1. Stand with feet hip-width apart.
  2. Lower hips back and down.
  3. Keep chest up and back straight.
  4. Lower until thighs are parallel to ground.
  5. Push through heels to stand up.
  6. Repeat.
  7. Engage core and glutes.
  8. Keep knees aligned with toes.
  9. Avoid leaning forward.
  10. Targets legs and glutes.


Pull up is a best way to in exercise at home. because, pull up is a best exercise for growing your back at home doing pull up also engage your biceps muscle. this exercise also helps you to build a wider back for doing pull ups you need a bar or a house slav. (छजजी) Do at least 40 to 50 pull ups in your back day.

How to perform pull-ups

  1. Grab bar with palms facing away.
  2. Hang with arms straight.
  3. Pull body up until chin passes bar.
  4. Lower back down.
  5. Repeat.
  6. Engage back muscles.
  7. Keep body stable.
  8. Avoid swinging.
  9. Modify with assistance if needed.
  10. Great for upper body strength.

Calf Raises

Calf raises is a best exercise to build your call for doing call phrases you did not need any equipment but if there is any brick then pick it in your hands then perform calf raises. 
Do at least 100 repetition in your leg day. 

How to perform Calf Raises

  1. Stand straight.
  2. Lift heels off ground.
  3. Hold briefly.
  4. Lower heels.
  5. Repeat.
  6. Engage calf muscles.
  7. Keep body stable.
  8. Use wall for balance if needed.
  9. Increase reps for challenge.
  10. Targets calf muscles.


Skipping is a cardiovascular exercise good for your fat loss and stamina increasing. This is one of the best exercise for warm up for doing skipping you need a skipping rope or any ordinary rope.

How to perform skipping

  1. Hold handles, rope behind.
  2. Swing rope over head.
  3. Jump as it passes feet.
  4. Land softly on balls of feet.
  5. Keep wrists relaxed.
  6. Start slow, build rhythm.
  7. Engage core for stability.
  8. Keep elbows close to sides.
  9. Jump continuously.
  10. Great cardio workout!


Plank is a good exercise to include in your weight workout plan at home. Plank is a full body exercise but mainly it target your abs and core muscles. Plank is also and good exercise for boosting testosterone.

How to perform plank

  1. Lie face down.
  2. Prop up on elbows.
  3. Raise body, toes down.
  4. Keep body straight.
  5. Engage core.
  6. Hold position.
  7. Breathe steadily.
  8. Avoid sagging.
  9. Modify if needed.
  10. Builds core strength.


Triceps dips is one of the best exercise for weight gain at home. Because this exercise will fully train your triceps you need A table or any chair to perform it do at least 100 repetition of it in your tricep workout. 

How to perform Triceps-Dips

  1. Sit on edge of chair or bench.
  2. Grip edge with hands.
  3. Slide off, feet flat.
  4. Bend elbows, lower body.
  5. Keep back close to chair.
  6. Push back up.
  7. Repeat for reps.
  8. Engage triceps, avoid shoulders.
  9. Modify as needed.
  10. Targets triceps, shoulders.


Burpees is a type of exercise which involves to steps 
  1. first one is push up 
  2. second one is jumping 
this one of the best exercise to include in your weight gain workout plan at home. This exercise also helps you in boosting Testosterone.

How to perform Burpees

  1. Stand up straight.
  2. Bend knees, touch floor.
  3. Kick legs back.
  4. Lower chest to ground.
  5. Push back up.
  6. Jump feet forward.
  7. Stand up, jump high.
  8. Repeat quickly.
  9. Engage core.
  10. Good for cardio, full body workout.

Frequently Asked Questions

  How many pushups a day is good?  

push-ups is a good exercise for weight gain. so, There is no fixed limit defined that how much push-ups is safe it's depend upon person to person ability that how much push-ups you can done. but, 100-200 push-ups is safe for everyone.

  What workout is best for weight gain?  

For gaining weight fast at home here are some of the best exercises: 

  1. push-ups
  2. pull-up 
  3. Squat
  4. lunges
  5. plank
  6. burpees
  7. skipping
  8. Triceps-Dips
  9. mountain climber
  10. Sit-ups

  Can I gain weight with home workouts?  

Yes, gaining weight with home workout is not an hard work because your muscles just need a workout it doesn't matter it is in the gym or at home. so, if you are doing best home workout then you can gain weight with home workout.



If you are doing home workout to gain weight. Then here is a best weight gain workout plan at home which includes best exercise for weight gain at home.
  • Push-ups
  • Squat
  • Pull-Ups
  • Calf Raises
  • Skipping
  • Plank
  • Triceps-Dips
  • Burpees

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